Saturday, February 21, 2009

Annettes B'day was popping

Annettes Bday was od popping we had so much fun lol and cant wait to do it again Sex in the City is definetly in process next is Paigers bday and mine we're too cute love you guys mucho...and Annette is the spanish im sorry caramel Beyonce lol she definetly did it with those legs and toes out in 27 degree weather!!! you go girl!!

Friday, February 20, 2009

Happy 21st Bday Rihanna!!!

UPDATE: A photo that appears to be Rihanna’s face with bruises, scratches and swelling from an attack allegedly at the hands of boyfriend Chris Brown was posted Thursday night by TMZ.
The close-up image shows a welt above each of the woman’s eyebrows, marks on her cheek and around her lips, and general swelling. TMZ did not say how it obtained the photo, when it was taken or by whom. Hours after the photo was posted, the Los Angeles Police Department launched an internal investigation and asked for the public’s help in finding the person who leaked it.
A police news release said the image “has the appearance” of one taken during a domestic violence investigation, and classified its release as a case of serious misconduct that could result in termination.Asked earlier Thursday whether he could confirm the photo’s origin, LAPD Officer Jason Lee said only that the department had not released images of the woman who accused Brown, and would not release evidence photos. A spokeswoman for the district attorney said all evidence related to the case was still with police.U’Umbrella’ singer Rihanna is reportedly unsure about helping police build a case against boyfriend Chris Brown, who left her with facial bruising and severe headaches a week after an alleged fight took place.
Yo im so sorry this happened to this girl my prayers go out to her and her family!!!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Chris Brown speaks out...

Brown said "Words cannot begin to express how sorry and saddened I am over what transpired. I am seeking the counseling of my pastor, my mother and other loved ones and I am committed, with God's help, to emerging a better person. Much of what has been speculated or reported on blogs and/or reported in the media is wrong. While I would like to be able to talk about this more, until the legal issues are resolved, this is all I can say except that I have not written any messages or made any posts to Facebook, on blogs or any place else. Those posts or writing under my name are frauds."

Who's story do we believe?

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentines Day!!!!!

Happy Valentines day to all you believers out there unfortunately my Valentines days are never happy smfh!! Mr Marcus is in the hospital in Coney Island so we're going to spend our V-day in the hospital and then he's gonna go to his moms so he could rest...I'snt that great!!! I mean don't get me wrong I'm not upset because I wasn't gonna see him period being that he had to work all day so this little bit of time I'm definetly gonna cherish (being sarcastic) Well I hope everyone has a wonderful V-day filled with love and all the gushy stuff...Remember people wrap it up and have fun lets try no breakups and My Valentines are always Kimberly, Paige, Annette, Kwanique, and Jaden love you guys muchos


Thursday, February 12, 2009

Are these 2 officially over?

You know what...The truth is we dont know niether one of they're stories all we know is that they were in a car accident and they both swung at each other...who hit who 1st might be a question. All I know is these two are both great artist and they need to get themselves together. Whether it be together, moving on, or alone.


Jennifer Hudson is one of the strongest people I know...After going through the deaths of 3 people including her Mother, It would probably take me a minute to get back to my normal self...The song she sang at the grammyz brought me to tears and gave me goose bumps. I'm just so proud of her and I hope she continues to go on with her career...bc thats what her mother would want her to do!!!
These brothers definetly did they're thing on the grammys i honestly think this was one of the highlights on the show or maybe I just got tired to listening to country music lol dont worry I'm not hating just saying...

M.I.A. gets all the props even though she looked tacky as hell at the grammyz she was due on the same night smfh so niggas need to suck her toes cuz I would of sat in a throne chair or something if I was carrying my baby and it was supposed to come out the same night.

I MET T.I.!!!

Yesterday while looking in the Rugby store for this tote bag with Kwanique we found something better. It was pretty funny how it happened lol me and kwanique were just minding our own business walked past the register. Kwanique recognized him I just thought he was some fly dude until I looked again and realized who it was...And boy was he on point...He had a Rugby coat on stutting on us and he was just so humble. No body guards just shopping...But anyway we left and we were standing outside the store and he came out...I was shook but I had to say something like how you dont say nothing to T.I.? So when he walked out I said HI smfh like I was 12 or something he shook my hand, bit his lip and said how you doing gorgeous and I guess he knew how nervous I was to say something so he made me feel even more special lol I just felt bad for Jaden because she is in love with this man and would die for the chance to meet him

Friday, February 6, 2009

CAM DoLLAs is Here!!!

Yes my godson Cameron Jason is here...he is so precious he was born Monday, February 2nd 2009 at 10pm wieghing 8 pounds and 10 ozs...He is such a sweetie and he got dimples!!! Ladies watch out!!!

Went to Tasha and David Shower

Monique, Me and Tasha @ THE SHOWER

Me looking fabulous of course!!

Boys boys and more boys

cant catch me off guard!!

Ladies definetly did thier things from the pregnant woman to the grandmother lol shit was popping!!!



About Me

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I am a young focused female. I'm always looking for a change. I love to be different...I'm constantly looking for a style to reinvent...



