Yesterday while looking in the Rugby store for this tote bag with Kwanique we found something better. It was pretty funny how it happened lol me and kwanique were just minding our own business walked past the register. Kwanique recognized him I just thought he was some fly dude until I looked again and realized who it was...And boy was he on point...He had a Rugby coat on stutting on us and he was just so humble. No body guards just shopping...But anyway we left and we were standing outside the store and he came out...I was shook but I had to say something like how you dont say nothing to T.I.? So when he walked out I said HI smfh like I was 12 or something he shook my hand, bit his lip and said how you doing gorgeous and I guess he knew how nervous I was to say something so he made me feel even more special lol I just felt bad for Jaden because she is in love with this man and would die for the chance to meet him
Victoria Secret's Free Pink Stuff!!
About Me
- Ultra
- I am a young focused female. I'm always looking for a change. I love to be different...I'm constantly looking for a style to reinvent...