Monday, April 28, 2008

Boys are from Venus!

I hate boys!!! Why in the middle of nowhere when I was minding my own business...I get a text message basically cursing me out I mean sweety lets be serious...How long ago was it that we stopped talking and for you to carry on a stupid arguement it only tells me that you still have issues of being alone and you need somebody...Sorry but that somebodys not me!! And then right after this whole incident...mind you im @ work an old friend gets an additude with me just because he told me to wake him up smh! Like wtf I'm like so sick of everyone !! Im just gonna give you a tiny lil clue when you said stop callling you I'm really not gonna call you I dont care if It was a joke or you made a mistake...I'm done playing misses nice guy...find somebody else to walk all over!!

Have I faded from sneakers?

Is the tomboy/urban/funky girl fading? Idk my style is slowly going to shoes and button ups!!!! oooo no!! That means I'm getting old lol!! No but maybe its because I'm not that inspired anymore. Which means I need to stop procrastinating and do what I got to do. Because my drive isn't there anymore. Fashion is turning into my identity but not my life. I wanna start saying what i'm doing but the fact is I need to start over I gotta start from scratch.

I gotta find me again and what makes me happy!!

New VIDEo"sssssssssss

Lupe Hip Hop Saved Me
I really love this video, and song its very real...and of course I love Lupe he did his thing on to love it
Lupe Fiasco Paris Tokyo

This one goes out to you Paigers since you love it so damn much ooo well what am I saying I love it to lol...but yea another hit Lupe keep it up

Rihanna Take a Bow

Yes ladies I dedicate this exspecially to you because I'm pretty sure we all been this bullshit lol but yea this is my song for the week because this is how I feel sick of putting up and I'm not anymore for once I could say I'm tired and I'm not gonna take it anymore...It's time for me to forget and move on becuz if I dont forget It'll hurt even more than it already does now

Omg its been a long time!!!

Well i have so much to share with you guys...

Ultra is a god mommy...
As of April 23rd my godson Jamier Maurice Jordan was born @ 10 am wieghing 8 pounds
and 10 oz...
And yes ladies he's a cutie
Besides that I've been working and also
getting ready with SM
Yes we finally have a name and soon will have a blog!!
And then many more...
Life is good I guess I could say
Making money
boyfriend free
And just living my life like its golden...
Like my homie Paige would say
"With or without you!!"

Omg its been a long time!!!

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Gossip Girls is Back ! !

Starting April 8th @ 8 on the channel CW11...Gossip girls will be showing a totally new episode. So look out for this one...You know they dont like to do repeats lol

Living Lohan

Lindsey Lohans family is having a new reality show coming soon. And guess who wont be in the show....Yes you guessed it Lindsey Lohan !! This show will basically show the true side of there family and also address the issues of her lil sis. She no longer wants to be shown as another up and coming Jamie Spears because she is a good girl. So look forward to that.

Please tell me I dont look like this girl !!!

Yo why is everyone going around saying I look like her? I mean she's not ugly or's just not a twin we just dont look alike !! What do you think?

Pregnant Man???

Yo this has got to be the freakiest thing I've seen for the first 18 and 1/2 years of my life. I mean don't get me wrong I dont judge people. But how fare is this to your child? Imagine how they have to grow up finding out that the person they call dad was once a woman. Or are they gonna wait till they're child goes on the internet one day and see's dad posing for the camera. All I got to say is what is this world coming to? What doe's the gay community feel about this matter? I mean I'm not saying that gay couples shouldn't have kids. I'm just saying that a woman who is with a woman who turned thereself into a man shouldn't!!


YO this video really brought back memories. I was watching a special on Mary J Blige on BET, and this was really her turning point. If your going through something and you feel you wanna give up just keep your head up and believe in yourself and know that you can get through it no matter what!!

Sorry...But happy related Martin Luther King assasination day!!!

Martin Luther King was murdered on April 4th...about 39 years ago. He was murdered in the Lorraine Motel at 6:01 pm. He was shot right in the neck. But the Lorraine Motel is now the National Civil Rights Museum. People from all over the world can go visit this wonderful site and even get to exsperience the exact room that Martin Luther King stayed in. I think its very important for people exspecially young people this age to learn more about our history. We all know that we were once slaves, and to get offended when called a nigger. But what about all those people who died trying to make our lifes different? What about those people who invented things like for example we know that Benjamin Franklin invented the light bulb. But who do you think invented the little thing in the light bulb? Without that there would be no light bulb. My task for the people who read my blog is I want you to find out who invented the light and either post it on my comments on myspace, email it, or aim me. Everybody weather your black white italian puerto rican should know the history and struggle of your people. Learn to educate yourself...please its important to our society and our future

Did Beyonce and Jay Z get married????

Rumor has it that Beyonce and Jay Z got married....Did they finally tie the knot? Everybodys talking about it from Hot 97 to !!! Well if they did congradulations to them both. I just hope Beyonce knows what she's getting herself into. I mean dont get me wrong I love the Jigga man...but rumor has it he's got alot of baby mamas lol so lets just hope things go as planned

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Home Coming

Kanye West new video homecoming I like this one alot alot lol

Shit take me down!!!

As I was catching a rerun of 106 and park today I caught a quick glimpse of something sexy! Yes people the one and only Chris Brown. This is his new video Take ya Down. I hope yall enjoy it because he sure did take me down with this video lol

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Happy Birthday dad!!!!

Happy Birthday Dad...I would of posted it yesterday but I had to work and go to acting class I know I know people he's an April fool lol if you got a problem with that you could deal with me lol And please dont ask me why I go a white little girl saying happy birthday! I couldnt find anything cuter than this lol

Sent from Heaven

This is Kyesha Coles NEW video sent from heaven. It's a really nice video but i dont think the video goes with the song. She looks really pretty though...I loved this song when it first came out

Raven Simone is coming out with an album?

Yes people this is the cover to Raven Simones new album. Who the hell told her she could sing. I mean dont get me wrong shes a billionaire and all but she should just stick with Disney. She's been doing it for how long smh! But good looks on those eyes. What shade is that? me an idea lol nah but her eyes lashes and makeup looks really nice. Good luck with the album I guess. Cant be a hater your whole life right?



About Me

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I am a young focused female. I'm always looking for a change. I love to be different...I'm constantly looking for a style to reinvent...



