Martin Luther King was murdered on April 4th...about 39 years ago. He was murdered in the Lorraine Motel at 6:01 pm. He was shot right in the neck. But the Lorraine Motel is now the National Civil Rights Museum. People from all over the world can go visit this wonderful site and even get to exsperience the exact room that Martin Luther King stayed in. I think its very important for people exspecially young people this age to learn more about our history. We all know that we were once slaves, and to get offended when called a nigger. But what about all those people who died trying to make our lifes different? What about those people who invented things like for example we know that Benjamin Franklin invented the light bulb. But who do you think invented the little thing in the light bulb? Without that there would be no light bulb. My task for the people who read my blog is I want you to find out who invented the light and either post it on my comments on myspace, email it, or aim me. Everybody weather your black white italian puerto rican should know the history and struggle of your people. Learn to educate yourself...please its important to our society and our future
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About Me
- Ultra
- I am a young focused female. I'm always looking for a change. I love to be different...I'm constantly looking for a style to reinvent...
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Blog Archive
- Boys are from Venus!
- Have I faded from sneakers?
- New VIDEo"sssssssssss
- Omg its been a long time!!!
- Omg its been a long time!!!
- Gossip Girls is Back ! !
- Living Lohan
- Please tell me I dont look like this girl !!!
- Pregnant Man???
- Throwback...
- Sorry...But happy related Martin Luther King assas...
- Did Beyonce and Jay Z get married????
- Home Coming
- Shit take me down!!!
- Happy Birthday dad!!!!
- Sent from Heaven
- Raven Simone is coming out with an album?