Yo this has got to be the freakiest thing I've seen for the first 18 and 1/2 years of my life. I mean don't get me wrong I dont judge people. But how fare is this to your child? Imagine how they have to grow up finding out that the person they call dad was once a woman. Or are they gonna wait till they're child goes on the internet one day and see's dad posing for the camera. All I got to say is what is this world coming to? What doe's the gay community feel about this matter? I mean I'm not saying that gay couples shouldn't have kids. I'm just saying that a woman who is with a woman who turned thereself into a man shouldn't!!
Victoria Secret's Free Pink Stuff!!
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- Ultra
- I am a young focused female. I'm always looking for a change. I love to be different...I'm constantly looking for a style to reinvent...
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- Boys are from Venus!
- Have I faded from sneakers?
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- Living Lohan
- Please tell me I dont look like this girl !!!
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- Sorry...But happy related Martin Luther King assas...
- Did Beyonce and Jay Z get married????
- Home Coming
- Shit take me down!!!
- Happy Birthday dad!!!!
- Sent from Heaven
- Raven Simone is coming out with an album?