I hate boys!!! Why in the middle of nowhere when I was minding my own business...I get a text message basically cursing me out I mean sweety lets be serious...How long ago was it that we stopped talking and for you to carry on a stupid arguement it only tells me that you still have issues of being alone and you need somebody...Sorry but that somebodys not me!! And then right after this whole incident...mind you im @ work an old friend gets an additude with me just because he told me to wake him up smh! Like wtf I'm like so sick of everyone !! Im just gonna give you a tiny lil clue when you said stop callling you I'm really not gonna call you I dont care if It was a joke or you made a mistake...I'm done playing misses nice guy...find somebody else to walk all over!!
Victoria Secret's Free Pink Stuff!!
About Me
- Ultra
- I am a young focused female. I'm always looking for a change. I love to be different...I'm constantly looking for a style to reinvent...
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Blog Archive
- Boys are from Venus!
- Have I faded from sneakers?
- New VIDEo"sssssssssss
- Omg its been a long time!!!
- Omg its been a long time!!!
- Gossip Girls is Back ! !
- Living Lohan
- Please tell me I dont look like this girl !!!
- Pregnant Man???
- Throwback...
- Sorry...But happy related Martin Luther King assas...
- Did Beyonce and Jay Z get married????
- Home Coming
- Shit take me down!!!
- Happy Birthday dad!!!!
- Sent from Heaven
- Raven Simone is coming out with an album?