Tuesday, August 19, 2008

While I'm Up

While I'm sitting here updating my blog I'm also thinking about tomorrow. How bad it could go? How good it could turn out? Will I cry? Am I going to be ok speaking in front of people about my personal feelings towards my uncle? Its alot that goes through your head when you lost someone. You have to remember that tomorrow really isnt promised and if you love someone make sure you tell them. I also wrote another poem for him. Its called the last time able to say goodbye.

So I guess its time for me to say my good byes
Didn’t think it come so fast
But it was fun while it last
I remember when you used to come to Mamas house with big bags of candy
Pinch Jaden’s fat cheeks
Or give money when it was handy
I remembered when I cryed and told you to get your life together
I remember when you came to see Natalie and she had the brightest smile on her face
Nathan you could never be erased
Your love was like sweet apple pie on a Sunday afternoon
Or getting on your favorite ride while holding on to a balloon
You been through so much and still stood tall
I’m happy that your in a better place than where we are now
I wish I could have said more to you than tried to act like you weren’t there
Cuz I didn’t know it was my last time to see you
I wish I cared then, I wish I wasn’t upset and I’m sorry
But in life we need to realize that tomorrows not promised
And that you need to live everyday to the fullest
Because when its your time to go then you have to go
I just thank god that you died the way you did
And I hope you wait for me at the gates when its my time to go
Love always and forever
Your first Niece Jerlisa



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I am a young focused female. I'm always looking for a change. I love to be different...I'm constantly looking for a style to reinvent...





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