Friday, October 3, 2008

Aubrey O'days clothing line

That ladies and gents (if you're out there) is directly from her site. Now this is a bit odd as Aubrey is ALWAYS being criticized about her fashion choices. I personally love the girl and think there are tons of haters but no matter what she wear people are always getting at her either for her clothes, hair, and makeup (always makeup). But then again, it can't be hard designing tee shirts.

Hey guys dont you just love how she has America's Next top Models Jasline and Caridee modeling her clothes...
The T Shirts are cute and moderately priced ($18-24) but what I don't get is that the guys have the same shirts and it's just kind of doesn't make sense because some of the shirts have fairies on them talking about fairy tales and all that. The briefs made no sense and got me upset so I'm not posting pics.
This bag is cute but quite honestly I wouldn't buy it at $ could go to Victoria's Secret and buy a bag from the PINK line which are all super cute an cheaper.
This was a smart idea for her. I've always seen Aubrey wearing these braided headbands and I personally love it. So selling them was a smart move on her part because fans like me would totally buy it. But the dumb part was selling them for $45. Seriously?? $45? I'm sorry but Forever 21 would probably have something similar and if push came to shove I'd take shoelaces/yarn/thread and braid them and make my own headbands.



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I am a young focused female. I'm always looking for a change. I love to be different...I'm constantly looking for a style to reinvent...





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